The Chronicles of Lard.

Hidup Babi, Makan Babi.

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Thursday, March 31, 2005 case you just happened to stumble across this blog and are now scratching your balding/lice-infested/greasy/pimple-plantation head in bewilderment, this post was created especially for You!

Let's be honest. We don't really give a pig's snout if you don't get us. Its not like we have a divine message to spread to the internet community. I mean, is it really your priority to understand why we seem to be so obssessed with bananas and pigs?

No, the real motive behind this ludicrous post is to lure you back into the kandang so that everytime you switch on your computer, you will inadvertantly feel the urge visit this site and make us hogs feel better about ourselves. That maybe, just maybe, our lives aren't as pathetic as they really are.

Cos you know, pigs need some lovin' too.

The Chronicles of Lard isn't a diary of a morbidly obese person detailing his various encounters of the caloric kind. This blog concerns the lives of 8 friends, of whom more will be revealed soon.

For the non-bm speaking community, "kandang babi" means "the pig sty". Obviously, WE are the babi's(pigs). Why babi? It started as a swear word used frequently by Leen. When used appropriately, it carries the same meaning as "DAMN IT" or "SHIT".

It can also be used as an affectionate but rather insulting nickname i.e: "Eh babi, want to go catch a movie later?" This brings us to the end of this mini tutorial.

Still lost?

Gosh, you're dense.


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